Different wood tones, well-chosen vintage furniture and overdose of plants define this office interior. The 340 square-metres office space is located in the Kaaitheater building in Brussels. Fragmenture designed this workspace for Cultuurloket. A Belgian organization that offers business support and advise to the local culture sector. The clients wanted to create a workplace that would reflect their own approach, no nonsense yet creative and inspiring. The two primary goals were to create a calm workplace for the employees and, on the other hand, to create a hospitable environment for the creative visitors. The budget was limited and the existing condition of the building brought with it a lot of preconditions.
The office was divided into 2 parts. The employees have a closed section with a large open work space and a number of separate offices. The rest of the office is more open and informal.Meeting rooms and consultation areas are adjacent to a large open space. This is where the lunch spot, a co-work place and the reception desk run into one another. White and shades of gray were combined with different types of wood. This provides a playful and warm added value. Mid gray curtains ensure privacy and emphasize the homely feeling. The secondhand furniture forms a nice contrast with the white basic furniture. In consultation with a specialist, suitable houseplants were selected for each room. The simple black and white lighting fixtures complete the serene interior concept.
pictures by Evenbeeld

Isometric view